How Can a Chiropractor Help with Pulled Muscles?

Many people go to a chiropractor when suffering from back pain caused by a spinal misalignment, which a chiropractic adjustment can treat. Spinal manipulation can help realign vertebrae and reduce back pain, but it can also help treat pulled muscles. If you are experiencing pain and discomfort from a pulled muscle, contact us at Dynamic Motion Chiropractic in Winston Salem, NC, and learn more about how chiropractic care can provide relief.

What Is a Pulled Muscle?

A pulled muscle, or muscle strain, occurs when the muscle or its attaching tendon becomes torn or otherwise injured. Many people experience a pulled muscle from overusing or stretching the muscle farther than intended. A pulled muscle can occur when playing sports, exercising, or performing daily activities. Additionally, damage to the muscle and tendon can cause micro-tearing in the soft tissue fibers, which can become painful.

You may have a pulled muscle if you experience redness, bruising, inflammation, tenderness, weakness, or pain while resting. In addition, some people experience the inability to use the muscle after pulling it.

How Can Seeing a Chiropractor Help with a Pulled Muscle?

Seeing a chiropractor for treating a pulled muscle may help patients completely recover. With treatment, the mild strain in the muscle can heal after some time, depending on the extent of the injury. Chiropractic care for pulled muscles may include chiropractic adjustments, corrective exercises, lifestyle advice, and more.

See Our Chiropractor in Winston Salem

Do not let a pulled muscle get in your way of performing daily duties, and help get your muscle back on the road to a full recovery. Our chiropractor at Dynamic Motion Chiropractic can help patients in Winston Salem, NC, heal after suffering from an injury which may cause pulled muscle symptoms. Call our office to schedule an appointment with our chiropractor and learn more about how chiropractic care can help treat muscle strains. Call us at (336) 777-8450 for more information.


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Dynamic Motion Chiropractic

7:00 am - 12:00 pm 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm
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